When I was five years old, the bishop stood over me and said, "Stop babbling about what Father Horne did to you." I kept the secret for 40 years. Today, I babble. - ke

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Added June 26

"This diocese is so indebted to you," writes the
Bishop of San Diego to Gerald Fitzgerald in 1954. In the 1950 letter below, Bishop Buddy pledges a thousand dollars to Fitzgerald and Via Coeli.

Again, Click to enlarge and print.
First the 1950 letter:

1953 Fitzgerald to Buddy

1954 Buddy to Fitzgerald

1954 Fitzgerald to Buddy

1955 Fitzgerald to Buddy

1956 - Fitzgerald to Buddy


"Help Us Help Priests"
At this Apostolate "we have begun here at Jemez Springs"
Thanks to
"Generosity and enlightened charity of the Cardinal Archbishop of New York"

1947 Letter (above left) in a way an introduction, emphasizing that the Paracletes are “Priest to Priest” help, they do not involve the laity in the therapy or the fundraising. Letter shines rare light on the foundation of Servants of the Paracletes, under the guidance of the bishop of Santa Fe, made possible by the “charity of our Cardinal Archdiocese of New York.”

Fr. Gerald, ever the promoter, introduces the letter, “Help us Help Priests” as “we have begun here at Jemez Springs an Institution”

Re not involving the Laity:

“In general we prefer to seek this aid from those who partake of Christ’s Priesthood.”

They only raise funds and promote the Paracletes to the priesthood.

We don’t want our parishioners finding out some of these priests are freaks.

1954 Letter
At left, The paper, the margins, even the typewriter apparently is the same.
Fr. Gerald apparently knocked out these poetic appeals for building fund fees over and over to bishops around the country. Here in 1954, again to Bishop Buddy, same as in 1947 letter above:

"We cannot turn these men away simply because they do not have a claim to justice upon some Bishop or religious community."

Hmm, seems to refer to legal problems these priests bring with them to Jemez Springs.

Aiding and abetting

So for anyone raped by a pedophile priest in a San Diego diocese parish since 1947, the hierarchy in San Diego were actively interacting with Servants as the Paraclete as far back as 1947, as shown in the letters above. So they knew about pedophile priests, they could have handled the problem. Your rapes did not need to happen.


Aiding and abetting

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