When I was five years old, the bishop stood over me and said, "Stop babbling about what Father Horne did to you." I kept the secret for 40 years. Today, I babble. - ke

In 2012

City of Angels Blog will be at http://cityofangels12.blogspot.com

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Poetry, protests, immunity in traffic court. Letters to City of Angels Blog

(Today's post features work submitted by four readers: Mike Ference asks, "When will any elected official step forward and urge the Catholic Church hierarchy to do the right thing?" in the aftermath of President Obama's speech in Tucson last week. Cynthia Marquez expresses in poetry, "Ring goes the phone in the classroom. I know it's the priest, he’s calling for me again." Ken Kosiorek says he got out of a traffic ticket in San Diego by using his Molested Catholic ID card, pictured below. And John Wojnowski sends the latest version of his "work in progress" about being "catastrophically and irrevocably damaged," by the Church and its response to sex abuse by Catholic priests.)

First: "Who Will Speak for Clergy Sex Abuse Victims?" by Mike Ference.

President Barack Obama’s recent speech about the tragic shooting spree in Arizona served to calm the nation and initiate a healing process that may extend well beyond the damage caused by one deranged gunman. His speech was so well received that it may well earn a place in history beside the famous speeches of FDR, Churchill, JFK, Dr. Martin Luther King, and other great leaders.

But, in our violence-plagued society, it is fair to ask whether President Obama and other leaders— indeed, whether all of us— can do more to prevent the need for such speeches in the future.

In the area of clergy sex abuse crimes and cover-ups, for example, it is clear that much more could be done.

When will any nationally elected official— Republican or Democrat — step forward and urge the Catholic Church hierarchy to do the right thing? When will parishioners and community leaders demand that local churches protect the children and prosecute the criminals in these cases? When will a great orator convey the urgency of this issue and tell us it is time to stop shuffling accused priests to retreat centers and jobs in other parishes — that we should instead post the names of credibly accused sex abusers, require documentation with the proper authorities, and make the truth known so that others might not be harmed?

Stronger, more proactive measures can reduce the number of clergy sex abuse victims— and spare many families the suicides, alcoholism, drug addiction, homelessness and hopelessness that often befalls such victims.

It’s time for the silence to cease. President Obama’s Arizona speech was uplifting and much needed. But thousands and thousands of clergy abuse victims worldwide are waiting for the speeches and actions that will recognize their suffering, encourage their healing process — and prevent today’s children from becoming victims.

(Email Ference at mike@ferencemarketing.com )


Poem by Cynthia Marquez

Shattered in the home front, trying to learn my abc‘s,
That nasty priest is looking at me,
Can’t remember what the teacher said,

that Catholic Priest filled me up with dread.

Can’t remember numbers as she calls my name,
too afraid to tell as I will get the blame.

Ring ring goes the phone again in the class room,
I hear my heart a pounding boom boom boom,
I know it's the catholic priest he’s calling for me again.

I'm only 7 yrs old how can I possibly win?

The man will tell my mommy and she will beat me down,
Walkin’ slowly home again like a broken clown,

I can’t remember numbers or what the teacher said ,
Trying to get that nasty Priest out of my bed.

Shattered in the home front, trying to learn at school,
That nasty George Rucker diddled my C__nt, while standing on the stool,
made me wear dunce cap beat me with a wooden rule.

Now the pope is pretending it’s all just a mistake,
really I believe Religion is a fake

So U can see now better than before
it's the catholic church that is the Babylon WHORE


(Ken the Welder is still causing trouble in San Diego and writes:)

Diplomatic Immunity in Traffic Court

I showed up to plead Not Guilty at my Possible Jury hearing today for a Traffic Ticket. I handed my Molested Catholic ID Card, (See Attached) and California License to the Court clerk with a photo copy of my Traffic Ticket, She was very QUIET.

The Very NICE Court Clerk could not find my Ticket??? The California Park Ranger that gave it to me had to Write “Molested Catholic” on the Ticket per my request. Diplomatic Immunity applies to the “Molested Catholic.”

Ticket DISMISSED!!! THANK YOU VATICAN for giving ME, Ken Kosiorek, A molested catholic, DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY from a traffic crime committed!!!




(From John Wojnowski in Washington, D.C.)

Dear Catholic Church-Ladies and Faithfuls:

My name is John Wojnowski. I went to Catholic schools. My younger brother actually went to a seminary to become a priest.

At the age of fifteen I was sexually molested by a Catholic priest.

My personality was crushed in the bud, catastrophically and irrevocably damaged. The memory of the unspeakable trauma was immediately repressed.

In 1997, at the age of 54, after 39 years of a stunted, sad and insecure life, a sexual abuse scandal in Texas was the spark that resurfaced a fateful memory. My life, the only life I had, was ruined at the age of 15. My devastated life was proof and evidence.

I contacted the Catholic Church and was offered therapy. I was also notified that the priest that allegedly molested me had died and I had no recourse but a bishop would pray for me!

I wrote more letters and my letters were ignored

Was a bishop's prayer compensation for my loss (my and my family's 39 years of suffering) the wasted potential of a ruined life or a cruel priestly joke?

In April, 1998 I made a sign: MY LIFE WAS RUINED BY A CATHOLIC PEDOPHILE PRIEST and I stood in front of the Vatican embassy.

I suspect that the DELIBERATE MALEVOLENCE , the VULGARITY, the COWARDICE, the IGNORANCE and of course the STUPIDITY & ARROGANCE, of the Catholic Church's response to my now 13 years of protest may easily trump the Catholic bishops' disgraceful response in the shameful world-wide pedophilia scandal.

The monumental stupidity, ignorance & arrogance of the beyond vile Catholic Church's response to my pleas cannot possibly be blamed on some obscure, inesperienced and ignorant village priest.

Somebody should remind the "Holy See" and translate for them in german of the old wisdom that suggests that "Stupidity and Arrogance are branches of the same tree".

(work in progress)

Wojnowski has a website:

Here he is with one of his banners as he enters his 13th year protesting in front of the Vatican Embassy in D.C. last December.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can make your own Molested catholic ID at http://www.molestedcatholics.com/make-id.php
